List Of Contents | Contents of An Introduction to Chemical Science
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"The proof of the merits of a textbook, is found in the crucible
of the class-room work. There are many chemistries, and good
ones; but, for our use, this leads them all. It is stated in
language plain, interesting and not misleading. A logical order
is followed, and the mind of the student is at work because of
the many suggestions offered. We use Williams's work, and the
results are all we could wish. There is plenty of chemistry in
the work for any of our high schools."

W.J. Martin, Professor of Chemistry, Davidson College, N.C.:

"One of the most admirable little text-books I have ever seen."

T.H. Norton, Projessor of Chemistry, Cincinnati University, O.:

"Its clearness, accuracy, and compact form render it
exceptionally well adapted for use in high and preparatory
schools. I shall warmly recommend it for use, whenever the effort
is made to provide satisfactory training in accordance with the
requirements for admission to the scientific courses of the


General and Analytical. By R.P. WILLIAMS, Instructor in
Chemistry, English High School, Boston. 8vo. Boards. xv + 212
pages. Fully illustrated. Mailing price, 60 cents; for
introduction, 50 cents.

This book is for the use of students in the chemical laboratory.
It contains more than one hundred sets of the choicest
illustrative experiments, about half of which belong to General
Chemistry, the rest to Metal and Acid Analysis.

Great care has been taken to describe accurately and minutely the
methods of performing experiments, and in directing pupils to
observe phenomena and to explain what is seen. The work is amply
illustrated and is replete with questions and suggestions. Blank
pages are inserted for pupils to make a record of their work, for
which careful directions are given, with a model, laboratory
rules, tables of solubilities, etc.

A new feature is the supplementary and original work, vhich is
given at the end of each set of experiments for such pupils as
complete the prescribed work ahead of others in the class, and a
list of terms to be looked up in some text-book. This gives an
elasticity to the book and fits it for use in schools where much
time is devoted to chemistry, as well as in the most elementary
classes in labortttory work.

Another original feature which it is believed will be heartily
welcomed by teachers is the method of treating Metal Analysis
successfully used by the author for several years.

Briefly, the aim of this book is to aid the pupil to do, to
observe, to explain, to record, aud thus to learn the essentials
of chemistry.


By R.P. WILLIAMS, Instructor in Chemistry, English High School,
Boston. 12mo. Boards. xvi + 200 pages. by mail, 30 cents; for
introduction, 25 cents.

The book contains one hundred experiments in general chemistry
aNd qualitative analysis, blanks opposite each for pupils to to
take notes, laboratory rules, complete tables of symbols, with
chemical and common names, reagents, solutions, chemicals, and
apparatus, and the plan of a model laboratory.


By GEORGE R. WHITE, Instructor in Chemistry at Phillips Academy,
Exeter. 12mo. Cloth. xxix + 272 pages. Mailing price, $1.10; for
introduction, $1.00.

This is an excellent text-book for High Schools and Academies,
and for elementary classes in Colleges. The strictly inductive
method here followed, together with the insertion of numerous
questions that must cause the student to do his own reasoning
from the observations, renders this book particularly useful.

T.H. Norton, Professor of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, Ohio.:

"I am greatly pleased with the plan and its execution. It is an
admirable arrangement for our inductive course in chemistry and
should not fail to yield good results."


By Wallace C. Sabine, Assistant Professor of Physics, Harvard
University. 8vo. Cloth. ix + 126 pages. Mailing price, $1.35; for
introduction, $1.25.

This manual, which is intended for use in supplementing college
courses in physics, contains an outline of seventy experiments,
arranged with special regard to a systematic and progressive
development of the subject.

Le Roy C. Cooley, Professor of Physics, Vassar College:

"I have examined it and am ready to commend it."

J.F. Woodhull, Professor of Sciences, Teachers' College, New

"I find Sabine's Laboratory Manual a thoroughly good thing."


By Dudley G. Hays, Charles D. Lowry, and Austin C. Rishel,
Teachers of Physics in the Chicago High Schools. 8vo. Cloth. iv +
154 pages. Mailing price, 60 cents; for introduction, 50 cents.

This manual has been written: First, to present a logically
arranged course of experimental work covering the ground of
Elementary Physics. Second, to provide sufficient laboratory work
to meet college entrance requirements.

The experiments are largely quantitative, but qualitative work is

W.S. Jackman, Teacher of Science, Cook Co. Normal School,
Englewood, Ill.:

"It is a most excellent manual, and I believe it meets the needs
of high schools on this subject better than any other book I have


Including Uranography. Revised Edition. By CHARLES A. YOUNG,
Professor of Astronomy in the College of New Jersey. 12mo. Cloth.
Illustrated. ix + 357 pages, exclusive of four double-page star
maps. By mail, $1.30; for introduction, $1.20.

The revised edition of this book has been prepared for schools
that desire a brief course free from mathematics. It is based
upon the author's Elements of Astronomy, but many changes of
arrangement have been made. In fact, everything has been
carefully worked over and re-written to adapt it to the special
requirements. Great pains has been taken not to sacrifice
accuracy and truth to brevity, and no less to bring everything
thoroughly down to date. The latest results of astronomical
investigation will be found here. The author has endeavored, too,
while discarding mathematics, to give the student a clear
understanding and a good grasp of the subject. As a body of
information and as a means of discipline, this book will be
found, it is believed, of notable value. The most important
change in the arrangement of the book has been in bringing the
Uranography, or constellation tracing, into the body of the text
and placing it near the beginning, a change in harmony with the
accepted principle that those whose minds are not mature succeed
best in the study of a new subject by beginning with what is
concrete and appeals to the senses, rather than with the abstract
principles. Brief notes on the legendary mythology of the
constellations have been added for the benefit of such pupils as
are not likely to become familiar with it in the study of
classical literature.

N.W. Rarrington, President of University of Washington, Seattle,
Wash., formerly chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington,

"I shall take pleasure in commending it to schools requiring an
astronomy of this grade. The whole series of Astronomies reflects
credit on their distinguished author and shows that he
appreciates the needs of the schools."

Clarence E. Kelly, Prin. of High School, Haverhill, Mass.:

"It seems to me the book is admirably adapted to its purpose, and
that it accomplishes the difficult task of presenting to the
student or reader not conversant with Algebra and Geometry, an
excellent selection of what may with profit be given him as an
introduction to the science of astronomy."


With a Uranography. By CHARLES A. YOUNG, Professor of Astronomy
in the College of New Jersey. 12mo. Half leather. x + 472 pages,
and four star maps. Mailing price, $1.55: for introduction,


From Youpg's Elements of Astronomy. 12mo. Flexible covers. 42
pages. besides four star maps. By mail, 35 cents; for
introduction, 30 cents.

This volume is an independent work, and not an abridgment of the
author's General Astronomy. It is a text-book for advanced High
Schools, Seminaries, and Brief Courses in colleges generally. It
was prepared by one of the most distinguished astronomers of the
world, a most popular lecturer, and most successful teacher. It
had every presumption in its favor, and the event has more than
justified expectations. Special attention has been paid to making
all statements correct and accurate so far as they go.

In the text no mathematics higher than elementary algebra and
geometry is introduced; in the foot-notes and in the Appendix an
occasional trigonometric formula appears, for the benefit of the
very considerable number of High school students who understand
such expressions.

G.B. Merriman, formerly Prof. of Mathemutics and Astronomy,
Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N.J.:

"For a short course in elementary astronomy, it is by far the
best book I have ever examined."

Warren Mann, State Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y.:

"Accuracy in use of terms is a marked feature. I consider it the
best text-book on this subject."

H.N. Chute, High School, Ann Arbor, Mich.:

"It is just the book the scholars have been waiting for."

G.H. Howe, State Normal School, Warrensburg, MO.:

"It is indeed an admirable book, up to the times, clear, and

Jeremiah Slocum, South Division High School, C&ugo, Ill.:

"It is well adapted both as to scope and manner of treatment to
high-school work."

Ray G. Huling, Prin. of English High School, Cambridge, Mass.:

"It is delightfully fresh, full, and clear."

A.S. Roe, recently of High School, Worcester, Muss.:

"The book is extended enough to please the exacting teacher."

I.P. Bishop, State Normal School, Buffalo, N.Y.:

"The book seems to have all the essentials of a first-class text
for high school work; viz., conciseness, clearness, and the
results of recent research."


A Text-book for Colleges and Technical Schools. By CHARLES A .

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